segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011


Já sei que este blog se publica em português. Mas não resisti a publicar esta notícia saída no jornal inglês "The Independent". Não resisti e tive perguiça de a traduzir.
Mas vale a pena let e visitar o site. Basho deve levantar suavemente a sobrancelha ao ouvir que os computadores já nos podem ajudar a escrever um haiku!!!

Web-only Haiku Laureate
By Matilda Battersby
Tuesday, 3 August 2010 at 5:31 pm

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry consisting of 17 syllables (or moras) in three lines of 5,7 and 5. Poetry lovers reading this will no doubt conjure quotes from Bashō and enjoy quibbling as to whether “syllable” in English is the correct translation of an “on.”

But now there is plenty more to be quibbled with from a website calling itself the Haiku Laureate which generates the strictly formatted verse via internet algorithms and not through inspiration of truth or beauty.

The site’s concept is this: users can type the name of a place or an address into a text box, click “go” and a perfectly formed Haiku will be delivered after the system has used Flickr to find images near that location and skimmed through the titles of those images to form a list of words associated with it.

I typed in High Street Kensington, where The Independent’s offices are located and this is what it came up with:

kensington the street
high london of gardens roof
whisper and no church

Apart from the fact that there are several churches on High Street Kensington the poem is pretty evocative. And the reference to “gardens roof” has more to do with the posh members club than any actual gardens on roofs in the vicinity.

I typed in “Outer Hebrides” in an attempt to confuse the Haiku laureate, and within seconds it produced:

the lewis sunrise
and snow mountains majestic
of harris cairn wire

Poets beware.

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